3 Shaklee Sports Products I Swear By

Category: Healthy Nutrition

3 Shaklee Sports Products I Swear By

Most people think sports nutrition products are only for athletes.

The truth is, whether you're an athlete or a busy mom on a full schedule, you need to hydrate, energize, and recover at some point during the day.

So I thought I'd share 3 Shaklee sports products I swear by and how they can help.

1. Hydrate
It's important to replace fluids lost through sweat when exercising or doing outdoor activities such as gardening or hiking on a hot day.

When you sweat you lose some of the essential minerals that help your body carry out vital functions.

An electrolyte-based drink like Hydrate can help ensure that those functions like muscle contractions and nerve signaling will not be disrupted.

From a home with heavy schedules - avid gardeners, a year round construction worker, being a Nana on the go, and increased need for hydration and energy, the Hydrate Endurance Drink is amazing. A must have for all of us!

- Mary V


2. Energy Chews
On any given day, you may feel lethargic or simply want to stay alert and focused. Some grab a cup of coffee to get a boost while others turn to energy drinks. Unfortunately, both of these pick-me-ups can contain harmful additives.

Energy Chews can provide the same kick faster, without the artificial flavors, sweeteners, colors, or added preservatives.

I eat 2 every morning and I love the clean energy that they give me all day long! I take them when I am driving long distance because I never want to feel tired while driving.

- Becky L C

Energy Chews

3. PM Recovery Complex
After a full day's work, a long drive, or a quick session at the gym, you may feel your muscles getting stiff or sore, which could make it difficult for you to get a good night's rest. Often the second day is worse.

P.M. Recovery Complex can help reduce muscle soreness and help you recover faster.

I'm a runner and tried this out to see if it would help with post-exercise soreness and it does! I can have a leg day at the gym or just a long afternoon working in the garden and if I take 1 or 2 at night, I am not sore the next day.

- Jenny G L

PM Recovery Complex

And I'd add 180 snack bars for special mention because they're perfect for when you go hiking or biking and need a healthy snack!

We dig deeper into the benefits and uses of sports nutrition products in our wellness webcast, Sports Nutrition Handbook. You can watch the replay in my wellness center.

sport nutrition

Thanks for reading,
